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David Barthelmy Geologic Consulting

Consulting Service - E & P Database Creation
Custom Data Loading of GeoGraphix Using SAS - Mid Continent Example
Custom Data Loading of GeoGraphix Using SAS
Consulting Service - Computer-Aided Exploration and Production
Consulting Service - Carbonate Lithofacies Mapping
Carbonate Lithology - MAGIC Analysis White Paper
Smackover Dolomites
Consulting Service - Geostatistics
Geostatistical Trend Study
Consulting Service - Corporate Intranets
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© 1999, 2000

Dave Barthelmy (
3607 Aldergrove Dr.
Spring, TX 77388-5002
(281) 350-4120  (home)
(281) 989 6052  (mobile)
(281) 288-9410  (fax)