Corporate Intranets for E & P Support

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Key Benefits

Organize your exploration resources by using internet technologies for proprietary intranets.
Provide support for key field operations. Are you still using paper gauge tickets to monitor your production? Capture this data in the field to eliminate double entry of production information into your corporate systems. 100% secure transactions in a timely fashion.
Promote your company to outside investors and financial analysts. In a world, your company's image is reflected in an internet presence.
Optimize your network configuration by evaluating the needs of your earth scientists with the needs of other corporate interests. It is very common to have exploration and production data processing functions under the control of corporate financial functions. Make sure both functions are met by critically analyzing your network needs.
Use the power of high-speed TCP/IP networks to link all parts of your company. This will integrate your organization from corporate headquarters to the smallest field office.

Problem Statement

New internet technologies provide a means to enhance public and proprietary information needed to increase productivity. My main contribution is to provide a framework which utilizes your existing work flow applications and data. There are two main facets for using internet technology for support of exploration and production. These are:

Intranets are internal networks which exist for the benefit of your employees. They are not accessible to outside viewing. Examples of the beneficial uses for intranets include posting company policy, employee handbooks, and etc. Examples of exploration and production uses would include access to confidential information from commercial vendors of exploration and production data, resource maps of available seismic data and entry points into commercial software packages to support mapping and interpretation.
Internets are external networks designed to promote your company's interests on the World Wide Web. The most basic internet site is a corporate presence web page to provide public information to interested parties. Examples of website information would include providing financial information of publicly traded companies. Every company should have at least a minimum presence on the web. There are many examples of public internet pages for Exploration and Production firms.

Example Projects (Internet only)

Proprietary intranet examples cannot be viewed from this page.

Gulfport Energy, Inc.
Mineralogy Database


© 1999, 2000

Dave Barthelmy (
3607 Aldergrove Dr.
Spring, TX 77388-5002
(281) 350-4120  (home)
(281) 989 6052  (mobile)
(281) 288-9410  (fax)