Petroleum Geology Consulting Services

E & P Computer Database Creation

Even if you use commercial data, there are ways to reduce your risk and improve your chances of success.  Need proprietary data merged with your commercial data? Having problems with data formats? Small_data.gif (2003 bytes)

Prospect and Project Interpretation using CAEX

Experienced user of most common software packages in use for computer evaluation of 3D seismic data. Expert user of GeoGraphix™ software package. seismic3d.gif (6096 bytes)

Carbonate Lithofacies Mapping

Need quantitative lithofacies mapping in carbonates (limestones and dolomites)? Successful use of multivariate statistics can predict porosity, permeability, lithology, and stratigraphy for your exploration trends. small_log.gif (3771 bytes)

Geostatistical Trend Analysis

What are the production statistics for all the wells in your trends? Do the rewards justify the risks? Find out by looking at a statistical break-down in your areas of interest. small_stats.gif (2123 bytes)

Corporate Intranets for E & P Support

Need to set-up an exploration and production internet to support your earth scientists? Are you getting the most out of your IT department? small_web.gif (3368 bytes)

"Think Smarter, Faster"

Results oriented, certified petroleum geoscientist with over 27 years of strong analytical and innovative experience in successful exploration and development prospects using oil & gas geology, geophysics, and geochemistry.

Pioneered computer aided exploration (CAEX) to analyze/visualize complex problems and provide cost effective answers.

Experienced in Research and Development, Production Operations, EOR Reservoir Evaluation, Partner Operations, Regional Exploration in carbonates and sandstones, Geophysical Interpretations, Economic Evaluations, Petrophysical Research and Interpretations, and Computer Work Flow development.

View résumé in pdf format.

Milestones in Exploration Data Processing

I have put together a chronological list of significant milestones in exploration data processing. This list is based largely on personal experience. If you know of any milestones you think need to be added, just e-mail me with particluars.

Significant Milestones in Exploration Data Processing

1957 IBM launches FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslation)- the first high-level scientific computer language. FORTRAN was the starting point for many of the exploration data processing applications.
1961 Common Depth Point (CDP) and digital signal recording techniques are used for the first time. CDP processing used those digital signal recordings to improve the signal-to-noise ratio by merging data from different ray paths into one trace. This was a milestone event in Exploration Data Processing since all previous seismic data was processed using analog data capture.
1965 System 360 is shipped - IBM's first third generation (integrated circuit-based) computer. This computer is needed for the advances in digital techniques for seismic processing.
1968 Seismic processing advances with the use of the seismic wavelet and the process of inverse filtering (deconvolution) of digital waveforms. This is where digital seismic signals are converted to digital reflection coefficients. This leads to increased seismic resolution in the time domain and sets the stage for advanced digital seismic processing procedures.
1973 IBM introduces "Winchester" disks. The term is the code name for its Model 3340 direct-access storage device. This greatly speeds-up data processing by eliminating the use of the slower magnetic tape medium for temporary storage in computer centers.
1974 Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) display screens appear. This advance is an improvement over the Teletype Terminals, paper tape, and the Hollerith Cards for input of programs and data into computer systems.
1979 Digital recording of geophysical well logs becomes widely available. Prior to that point, all geophysical well logs were recorded on analog film.
1981 3D seismic data acquisition and processing are developed. This allows the mapping of the subsurface using a seismic data volume and decreases risk over conventional 2D seismic data. The 3D technique will wait until the invention of workstation class computers to become significant.
1989 SunÔ Microsystems introduces the SPARCstationÔ 1 and the era of workstation computer interpretation begins. These workstations are used to interpret 2D and 3D seismic for petroleum exploration.
1995 Intel announces the Pentium Pro microprocessor, at speeds of 150-, 180-, and 200 MHz. For the first time, PC machines have as much computing power as the IBM mainframes of 10 years ago and opens up the era of cheap and powerful workstation processing.

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Dave Barthelmy (
3607 Aldergrove Dr.
Spring, TX 77388-5002
(281) 350-4120  (home)
(281) 989 6052  (mobile)
(281) 288-9410  (fax)